Earth-Friendly Outdoor Furniture

Show Room Lifeguard Chairs Lifeguard Accessories HSWH 565 Hard Surface Wheel Kit for all Tailwind Lifeguard Chairs

HSWH 565 Hard Surface Wheel Kit for all Tailwind Lifeguard Chairs

Hard Surface Wheel Kit

Tailwind Colors

EXP 501 Platform Kit for LG 500 
14"L x 20"W x 14"H
Weight 20 lbs.
Ships UPS

ANCH 502 Anchoring Kit *LG 500 & LG 505
* Hardware to attach Anchoring 
(for LG 500 and LG 505 only)
Kit to deck surface not included 
30"L x 4"W x 3"H
24"L x 4"W x 3"H
Weight 12 lbs.
Ships UPS 
BCWH 563 Large Wheel Kit for all Tailwind Lifeguard Chairs 
(universal for all Tailwind lifeguard chairs)
44"L x 19 "W x 19 "H
Weight 19 lbs.
Ships UPS

HSWH 565 Hard Surface Wheel Kit for all Tailwind Lifeguard Chairs 
Hard Surface Wheel Kit